Borobudur Sunrise + Tourism Village + Prambanan Temple

Borobudur Sunrise
Borobudur Sunrise

Borobudur Sunrise + Tourism Village + Prambanan Temple

03.30 A.M
Driver pick you up from the hotel to go to Manohara entrance Borobudur sunrise

08.00 A.M
Templerejo village sustains the old customs of Javanese community. Explore the traditional village life by taking part in locals’ everyday activities, such as making cassava chips, learning to play gamelan, and strolling around their vegetable garden. You can choose to explore the village by a horse carriage

09.30 A.M
On the way to Prambanan temple

11.00 A.M 
Arrived at Prambanan

01.30 A.M
On the way back your hotel

Private Tour

Price: $200 for 2 persons

Price: $360 for 4 persons

Price: $530 for 6 persons

Price: $680 for 8 persons

*Price Included : car, gas, driver, entrance ticket, mineral water and parking fee